Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Nike+ kind of sucks.  It is a sensor that you put on your shoe that measures how far and how fast you've gone.  In theory, it is amazing, especially because you then upload the information to nikerunning.com , which keeps track of all your runs.  Moreover, it even connects with Facebook to display how many total miles you've run, your fastest run, your longest run, etc.  The problem is that there is no precision.  The same run will register as 5 miles or 10 miles for me.  Granted, I don't care all that much about accuracy: I'm not looking at splits or really caring one iota how fast I go, just that I finish.  It is a bit demoralizing, though, to feel like a liar on your own Facebook page because you pushed yourself doing a 10 miler, yet Nike+ says you did 20 miles.  I know there are Garmin watches that track via GPS, but I am not looking to spend $500 on something that I don't actually need, especially since it equals the cost of my bike. 

Run: 3 miles
Swim: 1 mile
Bike: 0

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