Saturday, March 13, 2010

Injury #1

Uh oh.  I hurt myself.  I went to Mexico to an all-inclusive resort (meaning that I could eat and drink all I wanted).  I got on the treadmill with probably a few too many drinks in me.  I felt a pain in my upper thigh, right below my hip.  The next day I could barely walk.  My MD sister says its greater trochanteris inflammation.  So, I haven't done any exercise in four days.  The biggest problem is that I have the National Marathon next Saturday, so I need to be healthy.  I don't think I have ever gotten to the start line of a marathon without some kind of injury.  Sigh.

I guess the lesson is just to relax on vacation.  Yet, I feel better on vacation whenever I work out.  In fact, I even try to time my vacations to coincide with marathons, so that I can participate in out of town events.  So, perhaps there just isn't a lesson in this.

Monday run: 6 miles
Tuesday run: 6 miles

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