Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another Long Run

Another 18 miles today.  I feel fine now, but I am usually pretty rundown the day after.  Most people at work seem to realize that they should stay away from me the day after a long run.  Last week was almost a disaster because of my mood.  Anyways, the run was freezing, then warm, cloudy, then tropical.  Very strange.  I really enjoy running to the Washington Monument now.  This time I overshot my house on the way back and went further down the Potomac River, just to the edge of Old Town Alexandria, called Canal Place.  There is a small replica of the Washington Monument there, so it was inspiring to look at it, knowing that I had just run there from the real thing. 

My back is not great.  Neither is my left knee.  Speaking of which, it was interesting to read President Obama's physical report today: he, too, has a sore left knee from too much running.  Looks like he still smokes, though, so at least I have him beat on that score.

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