Sunday, February 21, 2010

Running or Skiing?

Did the first outdoor run in weeks today. The snow still has not melted from the DC 2010 Blizzard. As such, parts of the run were totally covered in snow. The worst was the sidewalks because I'd have to keep stopping every block since the snow was piled on the sidewalk at each block. Anyways, there was a silver lining: I finally ran on the National Mall. How gorgeous! I haven't been to the Washington Monument since I was a kid, so I had forgetten how amazing it is as the center of the city. You turn your head one way and it's the Capitol where Obama was inagurated. Then swivel your head and you're looking at the windows of the Oval Office in the White House. Complete the 180 degree turn and your looking at the Lincoln Memorial. DC is truly a gorgeously powerful city.

Run: 18 miles
Swim: 0
Bike: 0

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